NUTRITION COACHINGOnline 1-2-1 and group nutrition coaching services to develop healthy habits and relationship with food and learn how to fuel your body for fitness success.
How long is the course?
Both the group and 1 on 1 plans are 8 weeks long. The group coaching is delivered via Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 7pm eastern.
How is this different?
This is a nutrition system designed to empower you to make permanent changes in weight, health and fitness by combining teaching, coaching and training into one system that redirects you physically and mentally.
What can I expect after 8 weeks?
Expect to lose 10 or more lbs of fat and keep it off by mastering the toughest part…mindset.
Is this a meal plan?
No. A meal plan forces you to eat certain foods and eliminate others. You won’t be deprived of foods with this system.
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